On June 22, 2020 I had an appointment to get my car fixed so I planned a bike ride from the garage. I wanted it to take a good portion of the day so I wouldn’t have to wait for the car to get fixed. What I ended up with is a 25.13 mile ride with 3.01 miles being on pavement, 3.36 miles on gravel rd and 18.73 miles of single track. I was trying to do as much single track as possible but I was also trying to avoid repeating sections of trail. I didn’t work very hard to plan a route since I knew the area pretty well so I might have done a little better with more precise planning. I ended up repeating about 2.2 miles of single track (mostly the trail Lager in the Marshall Conservation Area) and .37 miles of gravel road. I worked out these stats to give you an idea of how extensive the trails are in the Mount Washington Valley. Considering this is only one
side of the valley and the other side (East) has as many or more trails and is arguably more popular you can see there is a lot of riding here. There was virtually no sections that I had to hike my bike (no more than 20-50 feet) and arguably any walking I did speaks more to my skill or fatigue than the trail. I will say that the direction of travel is important as far as the amount of walking you do, particularly the climb and descent of Whitehorse and Cathedral.
Here is some of the details with a map. I broke up the trip into legs with times and other data. I also color coded the map and the data so that the black is paved, the brown is gravel, and the bright blue and light blue are single track. The color coding is both on the map and the data. I have also included a .gpx file and .kml file for you if you want to put either of them into a mapping program.
West Side Data
West Side Map (This is a Geopdf)
West Side .gpx File (Some browsers add a .xml extension, delete the .xml leaving only the .gpx extension before saving)
West Side .kml File