The Ski Guide Manual

The new Ski Guide Manual has been written and is at the printers! Due out in early November 2020 you can pre-order now.
The Ski Guide Manual is to the Backcountry Skier what the Mountain Guide Manual was to rock climbers and alpinists.
The Mountain Guide Manual

This book is targeted towards those who know basic climbing systems already. Have you started to or aspired to climb more advanced routes? What makes routes advanced is not only an increase in movement skill difficulty but more complex risk management problems. Routes that mix weather, time and commitment with movement difficulty require more than just foundational skills, this book is your resource for advanced skills.

Over the years guides have been working on systems and strategies to increase efficiency, better protect themselves, and those they are climbing with. These skills, philosophies and methods have slowly changed how guides work and climb. What began as professional systems can now be used by club leaders or someone taking a less experienced friend out for a day of traditional rock or alpine climbing. As guides have discovered variations of these systems can be used by a competent team to enhance their security without the cost in time. In fact these systems are often more efficient than typical systems with the increase in security a bonus. 130,000 words 245 photos